Hall of Fame

Year of induction in parentheses

John Barbose (1978)
Watts Chance (2002)
Tony Coccaro (1980)
Dan Detullio (1980)
Sharon Garton (2002)
Bubba Green (2003)
Robert Hogan (1979)
Harry Jaggers (1978)
Olga Jaggers (1978)
Paul Kears (2002)
John Lookabaugh, Sr. (1977)
Bud MacAvoy (2002)
Debbie McCafferty (1977)
Larry Milbourne (2003)
Max Pettit (1980)
Michelle Powers (2003)
Chris Riley, Sr. (1978)
Steve Romanik (1977)
Ed Salmon (1979)
Bob Shannon (2003)
Alan Shaw (1980)
Jim Stites (2002)

1953 Football Team (2003)